About the Founder, Kofi Ohene-Djan
I have worked in marketing for over 25 years in various sectors and organisations covering all aspects of marketing. I have worked for some large established organisations and young disrupter businesses. I enjoy volunteering within the arts and use my business and marketing expertise to support theatre, dance and education.
Being able to support Tangle and Movema has inspired me to set up a company that can bring marketing skills, experience and knowledge learned and successfully implemented at established businesses to new, start-up, SME and sole trader businesses
I have developed Osuno to deliver excellent marketing for others directly.
You are the experts in your field and passionate about your venture. Osuno provides existing and new small businesses with marketing services. Osuno can plan, organise and carry out your marketing leaving you time to focus on what you do best, running your business.
Previous Work Experience:
25 Years’ marketing experience:
Marketing and Sales Director - Liverpool’s Royal Court Theatre
Head of Marketing – Ghetto Golf
Marketing Manager – The ACC Liverpool Group -
Echo Arena, Ticket Quarter, Exhibition Centre LiverpoolSales and Marketing Director – The Capital FM Arena Nottingham, The National Ice Centre
Marketing Manager – The Capital FM Arena Nottingham, The National Ice Centre
New Business Development Manager – YHA, Youth Hostels Association
Online Partnerships Manager – bmi, British Midland
Online Marketing Manager – bmi, British Midland
Marketing Manager – Boots The Chemist
Recruitment Marketing Officer – The Boots Company
Research Marketing Officer – Visit Britain, Visit England
Voluntary Work:
Chair of Board of Trustees of Tangle - Tangle is a progressive theatre company based in London and the South West focusing on diversity and ground-breaking theatre. Tangle is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.
Community Trustee on the Board of Liverpool John Moores Students’ Union - JMSU is a student led organisation representing all LJMU students, providing the fun, help and support students need whilst studying at John Moores University.
Member of Advisory Board for Movema - Movema is an international dance company engaging both young people and adults and introducing them to new dance from around the world.
Qualifications and Education:
Mini MBA in Brand Management – Marketing Week
Institute of Leadership Management Diploma Level 5
BA (Hons) International Tourism Management and Marketing
Adobe Creative Cloud including Photoshop, Illustrator and Premier Pro
Google Skillshop
Google Digital Garage
Hobbies and Interests:
Sport – I have played and watched sport all my life. I enjoy competition and enjoy keeping fit
Music – I love live music and listening to tunes. I am teaching myself to play saxophone and have DJ’d regularly
Travel – I enjoy exploring and meeting people and different cultures, I have travelled to 6 continents
Food – I enjoy cooking and eating out and love to try new food from around the world
Why Osuno Marketing?
Osuno is the Twi word for Elephant. Twi is a Ghanaian Language. My parents and heritage are Ghanaian. Elephants are significant to my family and important to me.
Elephants are known for their excellent memories, advanced social groups, strength, fun, understanding and empathy.
1% of Osuno profits will be given to Elephant charities to ensure Osuno are protected and thrive.
Images curated from Pexels with special mentions and thanks to Anna Tukhfatullina, Ryan Leeper, skitterphoto, Anna M W, Thibault Trillet, Suntorn Somtong, Quang Nguyen Vinh